On this page you will find details of how to re-certify your trade finance qualifications from the ICC Academy. If you are looking to re-certify your LIBF certificates (CDCS®, CSDG® or CITF®) please visit this page instead.
Recertifying the Global Trade Certificate (GTC), the Certified Trade Finance Professional (CTFP) or the Certified Documentary Credits Expert (CDCE).
The GTC and CTFP are valid for three years before they must be recertified. The CDCE is valid for five years. Note the first recertification for CDCE is free.
The objective of recertification is to ensure that certificate holders continue to maintain the high standards of trade finance skills and understanding that have been accredited to them.
How many credits or points do I need to recertify?
- You need to earn 20 credits before the end of the three year validity period to re-certify the GTC
- You need to earn 24 credits before the end of the three year validity period to re-certify the CTFP
- You need to earn 50 credits before the end of the five-year validity period to re-certify the CDCE. The first recertification is free.
Please note, that in addition to earning credits, you will also need to retake and pass the relevant exam before your re-certification is valid. The re-certification exam costs US$100.
How can I earn those credits?
You can earn credits in a number of ways including academic training (both through ICC Academy and other providers) as well as by attending relevant events, workshops and seminars. Full details are below.
Academic Training
To earn points through academic training you have two options:
- Completing ICC Academy trade finance e-courses. You can see a full list of applicable courses and their respective credits here.
- Completing trade finance related training through other institutions.
If you obtain trade finance related training through other institutions, here are some guidelines:
- Both classroom training and e-learning are valid
- Each hour of training represents one credit. For example, a full day of classroom training is usually six hours so would therefore count as six credits.
- For either classroom training or e-learning you must submit the agenda or programme that shows the number of required hours
Events, Workshops and Seminars
To earn points by attending events, workshops or seminars you have a number of options:
- Attending the ICC Academy Supply Chain Finance Summit
- Attending trade finance events hosted by ICC national committees
- Attending other trade finance events not hosted by the ICC. E.g. those hosted by Global Trade Review
- Attending webinar sessions related to trade finance
As with academic training here are some guidelines for obtaining credits through events:
- Both online and in-person events are valid
- Each learning hour of an event, seminar or workshop is worth 1 credit. For example, a one day event usually contains six hours of content/sessions, so would therefore count as six credits. Please note things like coffee breaks, lunch and networking sessions will not count towards recertification.
- For any events, workshops, seminars, webinars etc that are not hosted by ICC Academy you must submit the agenda or programme that clearly shows the number of hours.
Do I need to take another exam?
Yes. To complete your re-certification you must retake and pass either the GTC, CTFP or CDCE exam depending on which qualification you are trying to re-certify. You will only be allowed to re-take the exam when you have earned the required number of re-certification credits.
The exam retake for re-certification costs US$100 and can be purchased via our Helpdesk team.
Please note that your re-certification will be valid from the date you pass your re-certification exam. For example, if you were to pass the re-certification exam one year after initially completing the CTFP, the validity of your CTFP will be three years from the date you pass the exam and not three years from the end of your initial validity period.
If you wish to get access to the core courses from the GTC or CTFP or the lessons from CDCE to help you revise for the exam, then we offer 3 months access for the prices below (which also include the exam):
- GTC: 3-month access to the 6 core courses and the final exam: US$350
- CTFP: 3-month access to the 5 core courses and the final exam: US$350
- CDCE: 3-month access to the 4 lessons (note this does not include any workshops) and the final exam: US$350
In summary, to re-certify your GTC, CTFP or CDCE qualification you must:
- Earn the required number of credits. This can be done through academic training or by attending relevant events and seminars. Neither the academic training or the events need to be run by the ICC Academy.
- Retake and pass the relevant exam
If you have any questions about how to re-certify, please contact our Helpdesk team at